This game is a top down shooter, where the player will be able to traverse a open world (a city) looting for weapons and taking down enemies whilst avoiding the authorities. My main plan for this project, is to have it play like the earlier GTA games where you can simply roam and cause as much chaos as humanly possible. With hopefully lots of different items and secrets for the player to pick up and add to their arsenal making the game more enjoyable and more engaging encouraging the player to carry on playing the game.  

The webGL build is bugged atm and does not work how it is intended to so i have added a standard unity build download. If you are interested in playing simply titled new build.


new 34 MB


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I have now added a few mechanics to this game these mechanics including things such as enemies however my enemy script needs a little more work. and a driving mechanic, so that the player can travel between points a lot quicker than they normally would be able to. i have also built a small part of my maps overall design for my prototype and added a mini map so that the player can understand and digest their surroundings properly.